So it's that time of year again, NME have compiled a top ten cool list for 2011. I've included a small insight into each artist, you may need it...
1. Azealia Banks - Unsigned female lyricist from Harlem, NYC. Created waves within the music industry with her very first recording 'Seventeen'. Currently working on a debut album. A fairly expected number one spot from NME-namely as no one seems to have heard of her.
2. Jarvis Cocker - Self explanatory figure head of the Britpop movement of the 1990s with band 'Pulp'. Going on to secure legendary status with a well decorated solo career and eccentric reputation.
3. Honor Titus - Lead singer of punk band 'Cerebral Ballzy' originating from Brooklyn, New York. He has an energetic stage presence and anarchic attitude.
4. Serge Pizzorno - Guitarist/Lead song writer for Leicester rock band 'Kasabian'. One of the most emphatic lyricists and dressers of our time.
5. Tom Meighan - Lead singer for band 'Kasabian'. Comes with swagger and a cocksure attitude worthy of topping any frontman poll position.
6. Lana Del Ray - A stage name inspired by late Hollywood actress 'Lana Turner' and the Ford Del Ray. Or Elizabeth Grant to friends and family. Is an American singer/songwriter and darling of daytime radio.
7. Rhys Webb - Formally known as 'Spider Webb' it's hard not to include this organ/bassist from band 'The Horrors' in the top ten...right?
8. Theo Hutchcraft - The slightly serious looking, impeccably dressed singer of Manchester electro/synth/pop band 'Hurts'.
9. Matt Helders - Rap enthusiast and beat keeper for Sheffield indie muses 'Arctic Monkeys'. Upholding the bands famously dry/witty sense of humour with various youtube hits.
10. Ellery Roberts - Lead singer for Manchester based band 'Wu Lyf' - World Unite Lucifer Youth Foundation. Creating suspense and mystery by not giving interviews or releasing information to the press until recently. They describe their music as "Heavy Pop". Probably the most talked about new British act from last year.
So there you have it, NME's idea of cool. You may feel disillusioned by some of the results feeling that some candidates are more worthy than others or that several artists were overlooked. Is this list a comprehensive guide or just a forced conception of what NME deems 'cool' for the benefit of its target readership?
You decide.